Thursday, January 4, 2024

The Right Way to Set Goals!

 Ah the old adage of having to start the New Year with a Resolution! Some set goal you feel you must attain and if you are like most that quest fails before the candy hearts ever hit store shelves. And why? For many it is simply because they don't know how to set goals and actually end up setting themselves up for failure. 

Don't get me wrong at all.... I believe it is very important to set goals and aspire to greater things. Without goals and dreams we work towards; we would simply remain stagnant. That being said though, there is a right and wrong way to go about it.

A goal can be as big or as simple as you would like. Dream big! Why not? The sky is the limit! Just remember though to break that goal down into manageable smaller steps you can take to get there. 

Let's say you have a goal to run a marathon, but you aren't very in shape and aren't really a runner. That is probably setting yourself up for failure if you simply register for the next 5k just because this is the goal. You would need to start smaller and work your way up, right? You can't go from 0 to 60 just because you want to. You would break this marathon goal down into smaller steps first. You may first start by walking and building up distance, then add in some jogging, then ramp up to running. You have to train to run a marathon. People don't just jump off the couch, right? You need to think of all goals in this way. Not being realistic in what it would take to reach a goal is a top reason for failure.

Another great way to set yourself up for success when setting goals is to believe in yourself. Sounds simple right? Well, it should be but usually we are our own worst critics. You need to take care of yourself, show some self-love, and take care of yourself. Sometimes this can mean setting boundaries, so you have time for yourself. Other times this can just mean not to beat yourself up when you stumble off path towards that goal. We all faulter at times and it is ok, just get yourself back on track. Care about yourself enough to continue on towards the finish line even when there are roadblocks.

Always learn and dream! It nourishes the mind and soul. It is what makes us human! It is what sets us up for success. It can also enhance positivity. Be positive and see how much brighter the world can be. Also be grateful, it breeds more positivity. These things all also fall into the self-love and self-care category.

Think of yourself and your goals as a business. A business doesn't just open its doors and expect million-dollar growth. Well, some might, and those fail.... You need a plan and steps to get there. That business gets to million-dollar growth through steps along the way, each step leading to the bigger goal of that high revenue, right? 

One you decide on the goal and what steps will get you there, you need to also have regular check ins with yourself to determine what is working and what isn't. Sometimes a step toward that goal can seem like a great idea at the time but then later prove to not be feasible. This is just another one of those things trying to sidetrack you. Just re-evaluate, reassess, and move forward. 

What are your goals for the new year? What steps are you breaking those down into to attain them? Share in the comments below...

Also be sure to subscribe to my mailing list to get notice of new blogs as they are posted.

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Simpler Holiday Decor with a Touch of Luxury!

 Last year, I went all out on the holiday decor. I must have pulled out almost every piece of festive decorations I owned.... and then I got sick on Christmas Eve and didn't feel human again until New Year's! After all that work, the only thing I got to do for the holidays was take it all back down. 

This year I decided to do less and make it seem like more. I kept my MacKenzie Child's touches in the kitchen and my Ralph Lauren plaid vibes throughout but I put out a lot less yet somehow I feel the impact is more. You can watch the full tour over on my channel as part of my Vlogmas videos.

In the kitchen, I tried to keep the counters clear for working and add in some whimsical touches. I had to have the squirrel garland though above where my greetings cards will hang in the garland as they arrive.

In the dining room and living room, I tried to keep things a little more Ralph Lauren-esque but also with a woodland element, using pheasant feathers, antlers and deer throughout with the plaid ribbons.



One new addition this year, which I will probably leave up all winter is this ski lodge wall in the bathroom. I found these skis on a whim this year, added some greenery and a bow to fancy them up. For the photos, I simply printed out some images from Pinterest and framed them in Dollar Tree frames.
Let me know down in the comments what your take is on Christmas decor.... do you go all out? do you believe less is more? are you minimalistic in your approach? Make sure to hit subscribe to know as new posts are added here as well. Buona Natale!

Friday, December 1, 2023

The Magic of December!

December is a magical month. The snow begins to blanket the ground and the trees creating a glistening glow. The holidays season is upon us with many events and celebrations to enjoy at every turn as well. 

December is a time to spend with friends and family, carry on traditions, and enjoy every moment!

My December Bucket list:

  • Enjoy traditions old and new!
  • Spend as much time with family and loved ones as possible!
  • Not allow the season to overwhelm me with commercialism.

December can be the most magical time of the year, so embrace every invitation and event of the season that you can! What do you plan to do to celebrate the magic of December and the holidays season?

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Late Fall 2023 Home Decor

 I can't believe fall is almost gone already.... Where did the days go? I don't know if you can relate as well but the months of fall just flew by. It's not that the weather was so bad or cold. It wasn't rainy as it had been so much in years past but still the season has disappeared right before my eyes. Knowing the winter days are coming, I still wanted to bring in some fall decor for late fall before the holiday cheer begins to adorn the house. 

I chose to only add littler touches here and there like these tin pilgrims on the kitchen counter surrounding a bowl of fruit kept in a MacKenzie Childs bowl.

On the island counter, I again only added touches of light-colored fall florals into a MacKenzie Childs pitcher and a few faux pumpkins in white. I like the airy effect it gave. 
On the side table in the kitchen entry, I used a patinaed champagne bucket to display more lighter fall florals and foliage to brighten the area. 
Into the dining room on the buffet, I carried the same color scheme over using these gorgeous tall candle stick holders and my gold pheasants I had bought a few years ago now at Hobby Lobby.
I kept it simple on the dining table as well, only using this beaded turkey runner with my large cornucopia and some thrifted candlestick holders shaped like haystacks. 
On the mantle, the same light-colored florals are adorned with a few pheasant feathers also tucked in. 
Into the living area, Coco and Dante are cozying up on the lighter throws I changed out to along with sage green pillow covers. 
I had to have a nod to my outdoor squirrels in the home somewhere, so chose to add them here with a few decorative gold acorns. 
To the other side of the front door, I changed out the florals of tall sunflowers to again include lighter shades and a little glitz while balancing the top with antlers, florals, and feathers as well. 
After all of my disturbances today around the house changing things out, Coco decided that the whole process was just too much for her and that it was time for a nap!
What changes have you made around your home to celebrate the changing seasons? Let me know down in the comments....

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

November is for Remembering

 As fall winds down and heads into the holiday season, we wade through November. I like to think of November as a time of year to reflect on the past year before all the hustle and bustle of the coming holiday season. November is life at a slower pace still and the perfect time for reflection. As the New Year is for looking ahead, November to me is for looking back. 

Two main holidays within the month even emphasize this point. Veteran's Day reminds us of the sacrifices so many have made for our freedoms here in the US and Thanksgiving is for reflecting on everything we should be grateful for. 

November's Bucket List:

  • Slow down and spend time reflecting on all that I accomplished this year.
  • Make a list to remind myself of everything I have to be grateful for.
  • Spend Thanksgiving with family and friends.
Comment below: What is on your November bucket list? What have you accomplished and what are you grateful for?

Monday, October 23, 2023

Halloween Home Decor 2023!

 As is probably already well known if you have followed me for any amount of time now, I LOVE Halloween! Every year I can't wait for fall and the spooky decor to come out. Every year is a little different from the last and new pieces are added to old favorites. So here is this year's home decor overview. The full tour is located on my channel, where I mistakenly jumped ahead a year and called it 2024 (oooopppsss!!!!).

So come along with me to explore my decor and get some ideas for your own!

As I have been doing for the last several years now, I make use of the dying plants in the flowerbeds by adding some tombstones and a skeleton into the garden before I trim everything back entirely for the winter.

I stayed simple in the rest of the kitchen only adding a few touches like this sign and pumpkin on a candle holder so the kitchen would also stay functional.
In the dining room I tried to go for a theme of a Witch setting up to hold a buffet. I used tarnished good silver pieces and added some haunting touches to accomplish this. 

This year Michael's had so many new pieces but I was especially drawn to this Edgar Allen Poe piece of art. You may remember in past years I had done a Raven theme in the dining room. This year, I decided to move this into the living room.
Upstairs in the bathroom, I used my adorable skeleton bathing in a cauldron on a tray along side my modern version of potion bottles (retinol serums).
Another new find this year was this amazing masked bust from Home Goods (TJMaxx). I think she will be perfect at Carnivale as well.
For more details and a full tour visit my channel and watch the tour. How did you decorate this year to haunt your home? What new pieces did you find? Make sure to hit subscribe to be alerted of new posts and comment below.

Sunday, October 1, 2023

October Landscapes

 I, by far think that October has to be my absolute favorite month of the year! Is there honestly anything better than the changing colors of the leaves, the crisp morning air, and the seasonal joy that comes with fall?

I love to bring those warm colors of nature inside as well... 

I also love to mimic nature into my external displays as well. Mums are a must in the garden as s adding the warmth of lighting such as this copper lantern.

Let's not forget the warmth in adding boots and cozy sweaters into our wardrobes as well....(but that will be a whole other post)

October Bucket List:

  • Visit a pumpkin patch.
  • Take a scenic trip or drive.
  • Bake a seasonal sweet like pumpkin bread or pie.

Comment below: How are you embracing the coming of fall this month? Do you decorate with the seasons?

The Right Way to Set Goals!

 Ah the old adage of having to start the New Year with a Resolution! Some set goal you feel you must attain and if you are like most that qu...