Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Southern Living Inspired Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving has always just been one of those holidays that kind of gets lost in the mix for me. It isn't as fun as Halloween or Christmas that it is tucked between and sadly it also kind of signals the end of fall....

It is a wonderful time to reflect back though and be thankful for all you have in your life no matter how bad times can sometimes seem. It is also the time to gather with family and friends just to be thankful to have another year together as well.

This year it was my turn to cook the feast, so in true form, I had to go big. I was leafing through the pages of Southern Living when I saw a version of the heirloom Friendly Village dishes I have paired beautifully with peach roses. To me it seemed the perfect table scape for the holiday but where would I find the roses I needed? A trip to Pat Catan's quickly produced all the flowers I needed on a massive clearance as well as napkins from the original Spode Turkey pattern. True to me though I made my arrangement in an old grape crate incorporating cotton picks, antlers and a silver candelabra.

Below was my take from the Southern Living inspiration which can be found here: "Get Creative With Turkey Plates" Southern Living Nov 2017

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