Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Farewell Old Friend!

Yesterday Eddie lost his long battle with cancer. He lived a good long life up to the age of 16 1/2. There will never be another dog as loving and good-hearted as Eddie was. He and I went through a lot together over the years and it will be a long sad adjustment to him being gone.

No longer will I find bits of broken plastic hanger around the house because he used them as a chew toy. No longer will I get a hug from him with one paw on each shoulder. No longer will he perk up to go for a ride because I grabbed his leash. No longer will I have to wait to shut the fridge door because he's checking out the meat drawer. No longer will I have him running up the stairs to get in bed before I do. And so many more things that were just part of his personality.

No words can really emphasize the pain in losing a pet....

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