Sunday, December 17, 2017

Cookie Delivery!

Being Italian it is probably a given that I have more cousins than I can even count...many of them are elderly, so every year I bake a ton of cookies... more than I could ever eat, though might like to, so I package them up and take a night out during the holiday season to deliver them to grateful family I may not see much during the year!
Below is my famous buckeye recipe (yes probably a calorie overload but so worth it):
  • 4 cups peanut butter
  • 1 cup (2 sticks) butter
  • 6 cups powdered sugar
  • 2 tablespoons vanilla
  • 1- 12oz bag semisweet melting chocolate (if in NEO use Giannio's otherwise use from crafting dept of Michael's or similar store)

Use a larger mixer to beat the peanut butter, butter, confectioners sugar, and vanilla together on medium speed. Chill overnight, then roll, into one inch balls (like an actual buckeye), line these on was paper covered trays. Chill again until firm.
Once firm start melting the chocolate in a double boiler pan, once melted enough, poke fork in peanut butter balls and dip in chocolate part way to look like an actual buckeye. Once chocolate hardens (sometimes requires refrigeration to firm) pinch fork holes closed.

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