Monday, March 12, 2018

An Afternoon of Flatbread and Wine

It's always a relaxing afternoon to meet a friend for some flatbread and wine at one of my favorite spots in town. When you walk through the front door, you may be deceived into thinking it is simply a small store that sells wine and bottles of craft beers but once you make your way to the end of the aisle to the left you quickly see it is much more...

The secret is a bar area that opens up into one of the most relaxing places to meet friends on a Sunday evening.  Add a few glasses of wine and what is perhaps the best flat breads in town and you are sitting in Vintage Estates.

It was definitely a wonderful way to spend a Sunday evening and was even warm enough to enjoy some sun on the patio.

Cardigan from H&M, Tshirt from Ivory and Birch (not available online), Jeans from Old Navy, shoes by Sperry (similar).

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