Monday, June 18, 2018

Recycling an Old Hose

   One morning flipping through Pintrest as I normally do on a daily basis, I saw a spring wreath made from an old garden hose. At first I wasn't sure.... it was odd to me... then I saw one in person for sale at Pat Catan's (a local craft near me) and I was even less sure about this odd decoration. The ones in the store didn't hold their shape well and looked a lot to me just like trying to throw some flowers in the hose hanging on my outdoor faucet... I was not impressed to say the least. And they were charging like $60!!!! Not to knock Pat Catan's at all! I shop there alot! I just wasn't understanding this new attraction...

     Then though my grandmother, who had seen the same thing at the store and did love it.... cleaned out her garage..and sent me her old hose asking I make her a wreath from it....

    What of course is any good granddaughter to do than give it a whirl? So that I did... determined I would not create something that held no shape though, I headed to my local Dollar Tree to find a wreath form to attach the hose to. The results changed my mind!!!!! I think my wreath came out wonderfully and grandma has gotten many compliments on it!

   The wonders of adding a few springs of flowers, a cheap pair of garden gloves, and butterfly to a hose with a leak were phenomenal... but I still had another half of a hose.... so when it came time to need a thank you gift for a lady who loved fall.... I made another!

   Only problem is... now I don't have my own hose wreath 😟.....

   Someone else who saw them as well said they were good enough for the local fair competition to enter.... ladies watch out! I may be borrowing my wreaths back.... because enter I may!

Friday, June 15, 2018

A Bar in A Church?!?!?!

  Anyone who knows me well knows that despite not attending church every Sunday.... there is nothing more I love than old churches and cemeteries... can't explain it! So when I heard Youngstown opened a brewery in an old church I was dying to see it. Took me awhile to get there but the charm was worth the wait!

    The Noble Creature Cask House took over an old church in the Smoky Hollow neighborhood originally built in 1923 that would've otherwise went to ruins. Located right near YSU, they have a very laid back atmosphere and wonderful local craft brews on draft. The building was wonderfully preserved using old church pews as booth seats and keeping the stained glass windows....

 I haven't figured out why the organ was in a parking lot down the hill though.... but it sure did make a cute photo op!

My top was online from Venus, chinos from JCrew, and sandals from Jack Rogers.

Sunday, June 3, 2018

Dante Turns One!

Yes I am that dog person who threw her dog a semi-first birthday party!

Granted I think I may have raised the quintessential Italian Momma's Boy too.....  We try the dog park, we try company all the time.... but he is still a bit anti-social.... reason why only one doggie friend, his "girlfriend" Zoey, attended the BASH!

He's quite a handsome fellow though.... although I am sure I am partial.

I got him a Birthday Boy bandana and these Birthday cake treats he just loved!

Someone else has to be as crazy spoiling their dog (or more!) than I am right?

The Right Way to Set Goals!

 Ah the old adage of having to start the New Year with a Resolution! Some set goal you feel you must attain and if you are like most that qu...