Sunday, July 29, 2018

A Small Change....

Have you ever just walked around your home and loved how you did it but wish there was just something different... but you can't quite place your finger on it?

I did that this weekend....

That's when you need to just try one small change... nothing drastic... just to see if it makes everything else seem new again too...

Walking through I focused on this one very slim small wall headed out of my kitchen....

It seems like a minor wall in reality but these same items have been hanging here for what feels like forever...
This is seemed could be my small change.... but what to do? I love old vintage photos and this worked out well for me in my bathroom, so I hit Pintrest and searched for old Italian photos that would relate the the newly popular farmhouse kitchen theme and found found quite a few.... next I headed to the Dollar Store to buy some black frames ( I am partial lately to black frames).... the end result was a wonderful outcome of a small change for a big impact!

Friday, July 20, 2018

Buona Festa!!!!!!!!!!!

In continuation of the week long Italian Patron Saint celebration occurring annually in the small ethnic town of Lowellville, OH, the town continues with a nightly festival followed by our unique "Baby Doll Dance." The Baby Doll dance is yet another custom that cannot be explained unless you see it and not truly understood unless you lived it....

During this week the "place to be" is this festival... there is no where else to be.... family, food, friends, culture and fun!

The men enjoy their morro tournaments and bocce every night.... others can be found in the gambling tents....

This Baby Doll tee can still be ordered by contacting the society through their Facebook page at Ladies Mt. Carmel Society. Message for pricing and sizes.

Each night the festival is ended with the magical Baby Doll dance.... again if you haven't seen it and don't know... it just can't be truly explained. The music cues up and there is a childlike excitement in the air.... The doll dances and the fireworks shoot into the air and every Calabrian in the crowd is shaking their fist at rough year that has just ended!! Buona Festa..... until next year!

Monday, July 16, 2018

Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Feast Day

    If you are not Italian you just might not understand.... But in an Italian-American family the celebration of the patron saint of the town your family descended from is almost as celebratory as Christmas! My Italian roots on my mom's side come from a small town in Calabria where the patron saint was the Our Lady of Mt. Carmel blessed mother. Her patron saint day in July 16th and it is a huge deal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The whole celebration of a week long festival of events begins with a parade of the Blessed Mother statue to church through the town. It is a sight to see to those unfamilliar with the custom.... A myriad of Catholics gather and take great care in preparing the Madonna to go to mass and walk reverently through the town led by a band. The women also carry banners that townsfolk pin money onto, which is later donated to the church, in bequest of annual blessings.

    Once at the church mass is recited in Italian. I was fortunate enough to be chosen now to recite one of the readings in Italian for this special mass. At the conclusion of mass the celebration does not end and the Madonna is paraded back through town with several stops along the way at the homes of local hosts who provide wine, cheese and crackers for the reverent.

     Upon arriving back full circle from the parade and mass, the celebration is not concluded until both the American and Italian National Anthems are played. Back at the hall where the statue is housed, the society provides lunch for the town and the Madonna is safely placed back into her display window until the next grand celebration. Novena candles are lit in front of her nightly through the entire week's long celebration.  Another successful feast day completed.... Buona Festa!

Little Black Dress by Ralph Lauren

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Tastes of Tremont!

   Annually the small town of Tremont outside of Cleveland is bombarded with foodies for the most delicious smelling festival of the summer.It was a wonderful day exploring the town with friends... I had so much fun I forgot to take many pictures. There were a few interesting sites around town I did capture though and even the marionettes sat on their balconies for some people watching. We ended a wonderful day at a gorgeous Italian restaurant called Dante's having mimosas.

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Creating a Glass Masterpiece!

  So on one of the hottest days so far of the summer with 100% humidity my friend convinced me to do a glass blowing class with her at Ohio City Glass in the Ohio City historic district of Cleveland. I guess I wasn't expecting a class to be a garage down an alley with no air.... silly me!

   Once inside it looked like some mad scientist lab too. Who knew!  Who also knew I could possibly sweat that much.... but turns out I can!

    Now don't get me wrong here though.... once I got over all of that, I loved it! Had a complete blast and would definitely go again, granted not in the summer.  Daniel was a wonderful instructor and very patient as well as informative. He let us be very hands on as well.... the silly man even let me play with a blow torch! Can you imagine?

Top by Simply Southern, shorts by JCrew Factory, and shoes by Sperry.

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Summer Festival of the Arts

   It's a big deal in town but this year was the first year I had ever attended the YSU Festival of the Arts. I know! I know! 20th year and running and I never went. This year I finally went because my cousin had a booth there though and I realized I was sorry I had never attended in previous years.... I was so enthralled with all of the art and ethnic food and revelry that I didn't even get many pictures taken....

   My Cousin's booth of course was by far my favorite though.... Joey Catanzarite Studios.

The Right Way to Set Goals!

 Ah the old adage of having to start the New Year with a Resolution! Some set goal you feel you must attain and if you are like most that qu...