Sunday, July 29, 2018

A Small Change....

Have you ever just walked around your home and loved how you did it but wish there was just something different... but you can't quite place your finger on it?

I did that this weekend....

That's when you need to just try one small change... nothing drastic... just to see if it makes everything else seem new again too...

Walking through I focused on this one very slim small wall headed out of my kitchen....

It seems like a minor wall in reality but these same items have been hanging here for what feels like forever...
This is seemed could be my small change.... but what to do? I love old vintage photos and this worked out well for me in my bathroom, so I hit Pintrest and searched for old Italian photos that would relate the the newly popular farmhouse kitchen theme and found found quite a few.... next I headed to the Dollar Store to buy some black frames ( I am partial lately to black frames).... the end result was a wonderful outcome of a small change for a big impact!

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