Monday, July 16, 2018

Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Feast Day

    If you are not Italian you just might not understand.... But in an Italian-American family the celebration of the patron saint of the town your family descended from is almost as celebratory as Christmas! My Italian roots on my mom's side come from a small town in Calabria where the patron saint was the Our Lady of Mt. Carmel blessed mother. Her patron saint day in July 16th and it is a huge deal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The whole celebration of a week long festival of events begins with a parade of the Blessed Mother statue to church through the town. It is a sight to see to those unfamilliar with the custom.... A myriad of Catholics gather and take great care in preparing the Madonna to go to mass and walk reverently through the town led by a band. The women also carry banners that townsfolk pin money onto, which is later donated to the church, in bequest of annual blessings.

    Once at the church mass is recited in Italian. I was fortunate enough to be chosen now to recite one of the readings in Italian for this special mass. At the conclusion of mass the celebration does not end and the Madonna is paraded back through town with several stops along the way at the homes of local hosts who provide wine, cheese and crackers for the reverent.

     Upon arriving back full circle from the parade and mass, the celebration is not concluded until both the American and Italian National Anthems are played. Back at the hall where the statue is housed, the society provides lunch for the town and the Madonna is safely placed back into her display window until the next grand celebration. Novena candles are lit in front of her nightly through the entire week's long celebration.  Another successful feast day completed.... Buona Festa!

Little Black Dress by Ralph Lauren

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