Sunday, September 30, 2018

Goat Yoga

Doing yoga at a winery followed by a tasting with goats climbing on me....

Yes please! Sign me up!

And so on a sunny fall Sunday afternoon I made the country drive to Troutman Vineyards and Winery in Wooster, OH. 

The winery is set on State Route 3 and is a true display of country charm even as you drive up and of course with a goat in his pen to greet you....

 The yoga portion is held in one of the small outbuildings and class participants are given a chance to set up their mat in a good spot before the goats are brought in. Once the goats come in it a free for all... the goats don't care you need to balance for a tree pose or are trying to do a cat stretch... they climb all over you. If I didn't think I wanted a goat before this experience.... I know I do now!

After the "yoga" and I use the term here loosely, we were invited back into the winery to sample on of their delicious vintages of wine. I tried to Farmer's Red and it was absolutely wonderful! I wish Goat Yoga was on my schedule every Sunday....

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