Friday, December 14, 2018

Holiday Shopping

Despite my English "snobbishness" for brands and Italian affinity to "high end", I have discovered two new treasure troves for shopping during this past year...both of which may seem odd... but are wonderful stores I highly recommend for gift shopping.

The first is Tractor Supply Company.... I know right! But I am dead serious! While they are not full of the same decor and holiday zeal as my second recommendation, they are full of wonderful gift ideas from cute clothes, boots, scarves and gloves, right down to farm house decor items...... and how can you beat this cute gift wrap I used from there this year?!?
The second store that has become a new favorite is Petitti's.... I know they are a chain here in Northeast Ohio but unsure exactly how far they reach. If you have one anywhere near you, I highly recommend you stop in... it is NOT your neighborhood nursery anymore! I actually bought quite a few gifts here this year and their holiday displays far beat any department store I visited this year!

Comment below... what new gold mines did you find this ear for holiday shopping?

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