Sunday, April 7, 2019

The Chicks are In!

I have not quite been my attentive self to a lot of things lately.....I fell behind in blogging as I normally do sharing my experiences, I slacked on meeting the "girl's: for our weekly dinners, and I quit calling family as much as I should have..... all of this has been for good reason though! I have completely had my head stuck in a book, per se. For the past year I have been also working on completing my Masters degree and am set now to graduate in only a year and 2 months!

Grandma, however, called me out my absence as of late, so I took an afternoon off to take her to lunch and to the local farm supply store to see the new spring chicks in.... She has always had an affinity for chickens as well as chicks and often will tell the terrible story of how her brother killed her pet chicken Lucy during the depression while she was in town running errands. She enjoyed our time together and even named one of the chicks "Lucy"!

The Right Way to Set Goals!

 Ah the old adage of having to start the New Year with a Resolution! Some set goal you feel you must attain and if you are like most that qu...