Sunday, May 12, 2019

Happy Trails to You!

In randomly searching online for local day trips to take, I located an animal sanctuary nearby that I was never aware of. Happy Trails Farm is a farm that takes in abused and neglected farm animals. Normally when you hear about animal abuse on the news, it's dogs and cats; you never really think about a goat or a pig being abused....

This sanctuary serves a need that I never had realized before. They work with law enforcement and animal control to take in neglected farm animals, including those roosters from cock fighting, Amish buggy horses past their prime, and goats neglected by owners. They rehabilitate the animals and then try to find them new homes if they are able. The farm offers interactive tours weekends through the summer and was a blast to visit.

I took my Mom for a nice early Mother's Day weekend on the opening weekend of the farm for the season. We had a private tour and got up close and personal with many of the farm residents.It was a muddy day from the rain overnight the night before but we threw on our "barn boots" and made the best of it.

 This goat's name was Grace.... she was very curious what my mom may have had in her purse.

 MaKayla was a beautiful goat but had a birth defect in her front leg that caused her to limp.
 Crispin loved climbing into everything.

 Who would have ever thought I would ever be rubbing the belly of a 1200lb pig!
 Even the bird's knew making a nest here would be living on "easy street."

 You can't tell much here but this former cockfigher's feathers have a beautiful leopard-like print.

It was touching to see that the farm even has it's own pet cemetery on the grounds. When an animal passes on the farm they are laid to rest here with a wooden marker under the watchful eye of a St. Francis statue.

 This little log cabin was the original shelter ever built on the 15 acre farm for it's first 2 pig rescues. Now two new pot belly pigs inhabit it.

I can't remember this sheep's name but once they let her out of the pen she ran and played just like a puppy would!
 It was definitely a fun way to spend a Saturday! If you are interested Happy Trails Farm is a non-profit that accepts donations to assist their animals. Tours can also be booked on their site as well as an online store.
Boots by Ariat Fatbaby Barn Boots, Jeans JCrew Mercantile Jeans, jacket older but similar here.

Saturday, May 4, 2019

"Talk Derby to Me!"

No matter how busy I am, no Kentucky Derby can pass without me taking part in celebrating! NEVER!

Nothing else screams that start of spring to me like big hats and spring dresses! The anticipation and research of which horse will win! Mint juleps..... southern food...... you name it! Talk Derby to me and you have won my heart! There is no better more dramatic event to me throughout the whole year....

Dress from Jcrew, Cardigan from Talbots, Shoes from Jack Rogers, Spectator from Etsy.

The Right Way to Set Goals!

 Ah the old adage of having to start the New Year with a Resolution! Some set goal you feel you must attain and if you are like most that qu...