Sunday, July 14, 2019

Easily Distracted by Goats!

As you can probably see, I have put on some weight.... 🙁 Others around me seem to be losing weight and I keep letting them know I think I found it but no one seems to want it back.....

Personally, I never was one to love exercise. I have tried the gyms and cardio, only to have wasted money and feel like I was about to collapse. Yoga and walking were always more my speed of things. Shopping was my cardio and the furthest I would go for joining a sports team is bocce leagues! Despite all of the exercise hype out there and influencers showing their sweaty abs, I am sure I am NOT alone on this!

So what's a gal to do!?!? Well this one decided to walk more.... I bought myself a FitBit and recruited a friend in the same position and we decided to meet up after work a few night a week at the MillCreek MetroParks Farm paths. This in itself was going to be a commitment and few nights in, I was already off focus when I discovered the actual "farm" part of this area we had chosen...

You can walk right into the barn there and pet these baby farm animals... needless to say my walking ambitions have now turned into petting these cuties several nights a week.... but honestly, who wouldn't be distracted by all this cuteness?!?!

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