Sunday, September 29, 2019

Welcome Coco!

The most wonderful thing happened this past weekend. It was actually somewhat of a surprise that began with a text that led to curiosity....
I received a text asking if I would be interested in taking in a small chihuahua since I had lost Eddie. After some thought, I agreed to see if Dante would get along with the potential new dog and the current owner and I sat a meet up. I had no idea that I would end up with Coco (previously Casey) when we met but it seemed the lady knew all along she was leaving the pup with me.
Coco took to me right from the beginning and got along with Dante famously.

She promptly took over her corner of the couch as well as her favorite throw.

She even moved right in on taking over Dante's bed but was kind enough to share with her new brother as well.

While she came into my life unexpectedly, I already couldn't imagine life without her. Coco moved into my heart as fast as she moved into my home. 💓

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