Sunday, February 2, 2020

Weekend Warrior- Small Change in Bathroom

I have always had a thing for old black and white photos, leopards, and things that made me think of Roaring 20's elegance. As I had mentioned before my home is from 1918 and my bathroom still boasts an original clawfoot tub that I recently refinished. When I had redone the bathroom prior to this I made a display on the main wall using print outs from Pintrest and framed them as old black and white photos of Italian women and what I considered to be old glamorous elegance. 

I found the unique frames at Hobby Lobby and searched for old Hollywood type photos to fill it. While I realize the era was actually a bit later than the Roaring 20s it still harkened the elegance to me. I used a photo at top right of the hands of many men coming to the aid to light a cigarette for Italian actress Monica Belucci, top left is a quote and photo from Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany's, then to the right of that is an old photo of Coco Chanel sailing with her Beau Capel. The bottom row across was a caricature of Coco Chanel, a lingerie pose of young Sophia Loren, and a close up of Marilyn Monroe's Chanel #5 ad. 

The centerpiece of this display served me well for many years and I was even still torn to change it. A walk yesterday through the new items in stock at Hobby Lobby though quickly made me question my attachment. There is was, staring back at me from the 50% off display of artwork.... a leopard sitting at an elegant vanity in black and white! How could I resist making this small change to make a large impact?

I think it made a larger impact being of a larger size. I still held onto the framed photos... you never know down the road. I may change back but for now, it's a leopard perched at her makeup mirror for me. Which do you like better? 

The Right Way to Set Goals!

 Ah the old adage of having to start the New Year with a Resolution! Some set goal you feel you must attain and if you are like most that qu...