Sunday, May 17, 2020

Finding Tranquility

 The world suddenly seems like it will never be the same. Our lives have changed drastically in the last few months and it has become increasingly easy to get caught in the stress. We can't go anywhere without a mask, there are riots in large cities, and you can't even find toilet paper of all things!

In the midst of all the madness I still somehow managed to find my own peaceful little seclusion where I could evade the madness in silent mediation. On a whim one day I just drove down into the backside of one of the wineries where I used to visit prior to the shutdown, no one was around, not a sole... I pulled over and took the camp chair out of my hatch and just sat a while listening to the water hit the bank. I have gone back several times again since already and still no one has been the wiser. It feels like my own little secret where I am, at least for a moment, the only person on earth. 

Back at home I have had more time to practice my yoga as well and to watch the flames dance in a backyard fire pit. I also have taken daily visits to the hatchlings of robins in the arbor near my patio. It is cathartic to watch the progress they make each day. We humans may have shutdown but nature and the world go and in some small way that brings tranquility. It is also a reminder that this too is temporary.

The Right Way to Set Goals!

 Ah the old adage of having to start the New Year with a Resolution! Some set goal you feel you must attain and if you are like most that qu...