Sunday, July 5, 2020

Weekend Warrior- Kitchen Facelift

 So on what may possibly be the hottest day of the year so far, I wake up and decide to start scraping the stucco off of my kitchen ceiling. I wasn't even a third of the way through when I began to seriously question what I was thinking.....

Once the mess was there though and the sweat was pouring off of me... I knew I couldn't stop now though. The end goal was to add a most cost effective illusion of a tin ceiling and to give new modern life to the counter tops without replacing them. I also added a kitchen island for more counter space and storage in my small kitchen. 

I found an island on Wayfair and was quite happy with the look of it once together. 

Once all of the old plaster work was off of the ceiling and I had a smooth though not perfect texture, I wallpapered the ceiling for a tin effect for a quarter of the cost with a print I found online from Lowe's. It may sound unconventional to do this but it worked with some ingenuity.... meaning it was not easy feat to keep the paper upside down while the paste dried by any means but the end results were worth it. 

Once the mess from the ceiling was cleaned up, I moved onto resurfacing or should I say covering my old countertops. I found a product made for this purpose on Amazon that is almost like contact paper but actually thicker. I was very easy to apply and the results were night and day.

What do you think of the outcome? What kind of projects have you gotten done during lockdown?

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