Friday, November 26, 2021

Christmas Wish List

 It has been a rough couple years with lockdowns and Grandma's health so I decided it might be about time to add a little more pleasure in the small luxuries back into life on this year's wish list. Below are some of my Christmas wish list items... though I am sure Santa doesn't have the budget to drop most down my chimney... ;)

Leopard trim robe from Venus (reminds me of the one Beth Dutton wore in Season 1 on Yellowstone):

New cozy slippers (I live in my Ugg Dakotas at home, but how cute are these for an alternative?):

A gift set of my signature fragrance, Chanel No.5:

An LV shawl scarf....

Fur lined Gucci mules:

What's on your Wish List, whether Santa can afford it or not? Dream Big! That's why it is a Wish List. Comment below....

Monday, November 22, 2021

Santa at the Farm

A few years back, you may remember that I attended a holiday shopping/ vendor event at the beautiful Highland Meadows Farm, right across the PA line in Enon Valley. Well, this year they held the event again, setting up the vendors in the horse stalls. It is such a cute idea and I just love visiting this property! 

I even got to put my Christmas wish list in to Santa early!

Sweater from Joules, lined puffer vest by Kori America, jeans by JCrew, boots by Ralph Lauren

Monday, November 15, 2021

Rescue Mission Rebuilt

 As in many other communities, the Rescue Mission has been a staple in the community for years helping the poor have a hot meal and the homeless a bed in to sleep in. Here in the Youngstown area, the Rescue Mission of the Mahoning Valley was in dire need of a new facility to help in their mission they have been providing since 1893. The old building while looking historically grand was even losing bricks from the structure! 

Above is a photo of the old facility, pulled from their Facebook page. Ground broke on construction of a new facility in fall of 2019 and finally opened this past week. I was able to attend the ribbon cutting and dedication on Friday as well as get a tour of the new facility. There was a wonderful turn out of community support at the event. 

Throughout the entire facility, the art work showed inspirational and Christian quotations. 

The facility was divided into two sides, a men's side and a side for women and families. On the men's side there was still the large capacity bunk rooms and while this still looks to be lacking in privacy, it is important to remember that the old facility housed 60 men in one room. 

There is also a missionary program that patrons can enroll in that would allow for more semi-private quarters as well. 

Throughout the men's side as well were sitting areas and the new luncheon area was absolutely amazing compared to the old facility. 

The women's side looked very similar in housing except for the rooms that allowed for families to remain together and a playroom for young children. 

Two more features this new facility boasts that are definitely going to help many in the community get back on their feet are the addition of a computer lab and an after-hours area. Previously, if someone came after hours in need, they would still be on the streets regardless of the weather until the facility opened again in the morning. Now there is a waiting facility area to help those in need come in out of the elements while they wait until morning. 

While the new facility was absolutely beautiful and much needed in so many ways, my favorite part of the new facility though was the placement of the Bible in the floor of various areas open to specific scriptures. 

Should you wish to donate or volunteer, contact the Rescue Mission of the Mahoning Valley.

Saturday, November 13, 2021

Romeo & Juliet- A Night at the Opera

 Every year the Opera Western Reserve performs in November and to me for the last 5 or 6 years, since I began attending, this has signified a glamorous kick off to the holiday season. Due to COVID, this event was cancelled, well ok.... moved to virtual for the past 2 years. Once I saw the ads this year announcing a return to in person performance, I bought my tickets immediately. While the event was still not back to what it had been in previous years, it felt good to get all dolled up and actually have somewhere to go. There is nothing like a night of culture and the arts in a glamorous dress to make you feel as if things "might" finally go back to normal...

What kicks off the holiday season for you? What events did you used to attend annually that had recently been cancelled? Comment below.... 

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Pumpkin Smashing

What a beautiful fall day to have my Godson with me! But what keeps a 7-year-old boy busy without WiFi now adays?  Apparently smashing pumpkins is the answer. 

I was lucky enough to find a posting for just such an event at a local farm I had not visited before in Columbiana called Detwiler Farm. I couldn't believe I had never known of this gem before. They host a variety of other events on the property throughout the year as well. It was the posting for "Pumpkin Smashing" that caught my eye this weekend though.... 

The event is much like it sounds... you venture along the path after buying a ticket to catch the same hay ride that would've only weeks ago had taken you to choose the perfect pumpkin for fall display to now choose the perfect pumpkin to smash to smithereens! There was definitely no shortage of pumpkins left in the fields to choose from either!
Now as ridiculous as this whole event must sound, I have to admit it was a business model genius! Leftover pumpkins would simply rot in the fields and instead of losing all that revenue, these farmers decided to charge to let people come and break them up to use for fertilizer and wildlife feed with sledge hammers and baseball bats. There were no shortage of local folks willing to pay for this privilege either. Vinnie had a blast and I even found the stress relief benefit of the process by taking a few whacks myself.

On the way back, the hayride drops you off right by a pen of goats ready to be fed. It seems lately I am just drawn to being able to find where goats are even if I did not know in advance but I am sure you already know that quite a few quarters were spent here getting feed as well! 
All in all, it was a wonderful way to spend a beautiful fall Saturday afternoon. What crazy events have you found in your community this year for late fall? Comment below....

The Right Way to Set Goals!

 Ah the old adage of having to start the New Year with a Resolution! Some set goal you feel you must attain and if you are like most that qu...