Saturday, November 13, 2021

Romeo & Juliet- A Night at the Opera

 Every year the Opera Western Reserve performs in November and to me for the last 5 or 6 years, since I began attending, this has signified a glamorous kick off to the holiday season. Due to COVID, this event was cancelled, well ok.... moved to virtual for the past 2 years. Once I saw the ads this year announcing a return to in person performance, I bought my tickets immediately. While the event was still not back to what it had been in previous years, it felt good to get all dolled up and actually have somewhere to go. There is nothing like a night of culture and the arts in a glamorous dress to make you feel as if things "might" finally go back to normal...

What kicks off the holiday season for you? What events did you used to attend annually that had recently been cancelled? Comment below.... 

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