Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Valentine's Decor

I went through my totes to see what I had to pull something together for a Valentine's decor centerpiece and found this was a holiday I was lacking in having items for. Every January I usually try to do a "no spend" month unless it is on necessities, and I think this may be why. Typically, it is in January you would be buying items for Valentine's Day. I do this each year though, to recover from all of the holiday spending that occurs at the end of the previous year. 

All I found in my stash was a table runner and garland my mom had made me. I did find some pink roses from an older arrangement though and had picked up some heart lights previously.  I also had some pearl strand lights that I did not end up using on a Christmas tree in the spare bedroom.... so, I improvised. I think it came out pretty cute though for having nothing to work with.

What do you think? Comment below... what did you do to decorate for Valentine's Day? Do you have a lot of decor for February? Do you curb your spending after the holidays? Also be sure to subscribe to receive notice of future blog posts. 

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