Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Snowed in Activities

So, when the winter weather strikes in full force and you really can't bear it, what do you do to not go stir crazy? Here are 10 ways I revel in being a homebody on those blustery days...

#1: Cozy up and read a book....

#2 Tackle an organization project.... I decided to go through my sweaters, here is a before and after...

#3 Find a good Netflix series to binge.... I am currently watching the new season of Ozark...

#4 Play with the pups....

#5 Zoom call an out-of-town friend....

#6 Work from home.... there are always emails to be answering and editing to do now as well since I am vlogging...

#7 Do some at home spa treatments, like a manicure or a face mask....

#8 Get some exercise, I prefer yoga....

#9 Soak in a warm bath with a Lush Bath Balm.... my absolute favorite is the Avobath....

#10 When all else fails, climb back into bed and take a nap....

What do you do when the weather keeps you in or you just don't feel like getting out? Comment below and let me know...

Please subscribe to receive notices of new posts and watch the video of my winter homebody week here: https://youtu.be/PtAZmssXZ5Y

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