Monday, August 8, 2022

Small Joys of Nature

 I have to apologize for not having posted in so long.... my goal is to at least post 2-3 times a month... if you watch my Life Last Week vlogs as well though then you know, July was a rough month. I did not even make it to the festival for Our Lady of Mt Carmel this year to see the babydoll dance... Which wasn't even missed during COVID!

My mom became ill though and was diagnosed with a new heart condition. She stayed with me for about a week after her discharge home and it was during that time that I began to spend even more time in the backyard just sitting and relaxing. When you stop and look around more you notice more in nature as well though. I always was enjoying the yard with all the flowers and secret nook sitting areas but wasn't truly paying attention to everything around me. 

I enjoyed watching the hummingbirds come to the feeder outside my kitchen window.... I knew there was a groundhog who made occasional visits to forage for wild strawberries and clover in the lawn... I even knew there were squirrels who would come when I threw stale bread for the birds... what I didn't know was the enjoyment those squirrels would end up being!

It has now become a daily ritual to spend time just enjoying the squirrels as if they were my personal outdoor pets provided by nature. They began to come daily to collect the peanuts I had to offer and before I knew it, there would be days there were up to 6 in the yard at a time.... each with their own personalities. Some more timid than others and some so bold as to come right to me if I was even in the yard for another reason as if to tell me it was time for their peanuts!

I think this is a daily ritual now that will stay through the fall. Comment below....How are you enjoying your backyard? Do you have little pets from nature as well?

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