Monday, January 2, 2023

January- Jumping Into the New Year!


While January is a month of new beginnings and new possibilities... I mean it is the start of a new year after all! January is also a month of endings and dreariness in some ways....

If you live in an area where there are 4 seasons, like I do, then you know what I mean. All of the glitter and glitz from the holidays comes down, there are no flowers blooming outside, no celebratory holiday. It can be dreary and cold, but it also can be a time to take advantage of this and reset without extra noise. 

I am guilty myself of typically not enjoying entering the new year head on... I don't typically set resolutions myself because I feel growth should be ongoing. We should always be learning and improving, not just when the ball drops at midnight changing the date on the calendar. 

This year will be different for me though! Not because I intend to set a list of resolutions as the cliche goes, but because I intend to look at each month as a new beginning and not just the year. 

I will look at each day as a new beginning and each month as a clean slate. I will embrace the seasons even more, enjoying activities involving the weather of the seasons (yes even my least favorite one, winter!), and I will set 3-5 bucket list items no matter how small for each month!

My January "Bucket List" Items:

  • See a sunrise at least once a week.
  • Enjoy a brisk outdoor walk before heavy snow blankets us.
  • Embrace the cozy. Read more, have cocoa....
  • Set and manifest intentions for the whole year!

Comment below: How are you approaching the new year this year? 

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