Thursday, February 2, 2023

February- A Month to Love!

 We are hard into the winter months now but the blanket of snow white makes everything look fresher than it did. This is the month of cupid slinging his arrows! But for me this is all about self-love. 

February is the month we begin by all gathering around as well to see if a groundhog predicts more winter or an early spring as well.... Let's face it though, regardless of what Punxsutawney Phil has to say spring will always be at least 6 weeks off yet. Once we all accept that we move into other traditions of the month full of celebrations. Carnivale always us to celebrate life in a most fantastic way just as Valentine's Day reminds us of love!

I plan to celebrate all of these grand themes throughout the month and embrace every bit of it. Once Lenten season begins, it is the best time to refine daily routines and develop new healthier habits. Valentine's as well is the best time to remind us to pamper ourselves in little luxuries and practice self-love. So below are my 3 bucket list items for the month.

My February "Bucket List" Items:

  • Refine my routines.
  • Treat myself to a spa day!
  • Enjoy the snow, even if it is from inside looking out at the beauty of it.
Comment below: How are you embracing self-love this month? 

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