Wednesday, March 1, 2023

"March"-ing Into Spring

 Oh, how spring is fast approaching! and I plan to enjoy and celebrate every minute of it! The days are getting longer and brighter. Daylight savings time comes to an end and the first official day of spring hits this month as well. 

I am already beginning to see the changes in nature. The sunrises almost seem more vibrant. Green shoots are sprouting up as daffodils, hyacinths, and crocus try to peak through the frosty ground. Signs of new life and new beginnings are all around. 

Nature is showing us that all things are reborn just as Persephone emerges from the underworld in Greek mythology, I too am trying to embrace my emergence into a new chapter.

My March "Bucket List" Items:

  • Begin planning my garden.
  • Begin transitioning my wardrobe.
  • Be outside as much as possible.
Comment below: How are you embracing the coming of spring this month? 

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