Friday, June 16, 2023

June- Welcome Summer!

"June is the gateway to summer, the month when the world is reborn." - Unknown

This quote is inspiring because it reminds us that June is a time of new beginnings. The weather is warm, the flowers are in bloom, and the days are long. It is a time to get outside and enjoy the beauty of nature. It is also a time to start fresh, to set new goals, and to make new memories.

I hope this quote inspires you to make the most of June too!

With all of the flowers and wildflowers coming into bloom, I decided to go to the field across the street and cut myself a lovely wild bouquet of Sweet William. I hope to keep fresh blooms in the house for the rest of the summer now.

My June Bucket list:

  • Get my garden in and enjoy being outdoors daily.
  • Enjoy fresh blooms indoors daily.
  • Plan a short weekend trip (I didn't get this booked last month yet)

June is also National Rose month, so I can think of no better time that to try to get to Riverside Gardens this month for an afternoon stroll. Comment below: what do you plan to do to celebrate the coming of summer this month?

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