Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Waning Summer Months Erupt into "August" Splendor

  August to me is the end of summer. Once Labor Day rolls around next month it just becomes fall for me. The warmest days and highest humidity during the month here in Northeast Ohio reminds us that August knows it is still summer as well. It is almost as if mother nature needs to end the season on a bang. While some flowers are dying down now in the garden, like the petunias and hosta, others are just coming into their own like the hibiscus and geraniums that seem to be blooming anew again. 

August is often a bittersweet time.... it is the winding down of lazy summer afternoons, the final days of warmth and heat before the crisp autumn air arrives. The birds begin their migration by the end of the month as well. Everything just knows in nature what is right around the corner. It is a reminder to soak in as much of the sun as possible yet before the days shorten.

I continue to look at each day as a new beginning and each month as a clean slate, another chance at a new year. I will savor the fruits of the season in all their sweetness and freshness. I will embrace the summer activities this month has to offer before the days are gone.

August's Bucket List:

  • Soak up as much sun and outdoor time as I can.
  • Attend the county fair... and hopefully win a ribbon! 
  • Enjoy a backyard cookout and look up at the stars!

Comment below: What is on your August bucket list? How do you enjoy the last days of summer?

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