Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Simpler Holiday Decor with a Touch of Luxury!

 Last year, I went all out on the holiday decor. I must have pulled out almost every piece of festive decorations I owned.... and then I got sick on Christmas Eve and didn't feel human again until New Year's! After all that work, the only thing I got to do for the holidays was take it all back down. 

This year I decided to do less and make it seem like more. I kept my MacKenzie Child's touches in the kitchen and my Ralph Lauren plaid vibes throughout but I put out a lot less yet somehow I feel the impact is more. You can watch the full tour over on my channel as part of my Vlogmas videos.

In the kitchen, I tried to keep the counters clear for working and add in some whimsical touches. I had to have the squirrel garland though above where my greetings cards will hang in the garland as they arrive.

In the dining room and living room, I tried to keep things a little more Ralph Lauren-esque but also with a woodland element, using pheasant feathers, antlers and deer throughout with the plaid ribbons.



One new addition this year, which I will probably leave up all winter is this ski lodge wall in the bathroom. I found these skis on a whim this year, added some greenery and a bow to fancy them up. For the photos, I simply printed out some images from Pinterest and framed them in Dollar Tree frames.
Let me know down in the comments what your take is on Christmas decor.... do you go all out? do you believe less is more? are you minimalistic in your approach? Make sure to hit subscribe to know as new posts are added here as well. Buona Natale!

Friday, December 1, 2023

The Magic of December!

December is a magical month. The snow begins to blanket the ground and the trees creating a glistening glow. The holidays season is upon us with many events and celebrations to enjoy at every turn as well. 

December is a time to spend with friends and family, carry on traditions, and enjoy every moment!

My December Bucket list:

  • Enjoy traditions old and new!
  • Spend as much time with family and loved ones as possible!
  • Not allow the season to overwhelm me with commercialism.

December can be the most magical time of the year, so embrace every invitation and event of the season that you can! What do you plan to do to celebrate the magic of December and the holidays season?

The Right Way to Set Goals!

 Ah the old adage of having to start the New Year with a Resolution! Some set goal you feel you must attain and if you are like most that qu...