Thursday, January 4, 2024

The Right Way to Set Goals!

 Ah the old adage of having to start the New Year with a Resolution! Some set goal you feel you must attain and if you are like most that quest fails before the candy hearts ever hit store shelves. And why? For many it is simply because they don't know how to set goals and actually end up setting themselves up for failure. 

Don't get me wrong at all.... I believe it is very important to set goals and aspire to greater things. Without goals and dreams we work towards; we would simply remain stagnant. That being said though, there is a right and wrong way to go about it.

A goal can be as big or as simple as you would like. Dream big! Why not? The sky is the limit! Just remember though to break that goal down into manageable smaller steps you can take to get there. 

Let's say you have a goal to run a marathon, but you aren't very in shape and aren't really a runner. That is probably setting yourself up for failure if you simply register for the next 5k just because this is the goal. You would need to start smaller and work your way up, right? You can't go from 0 to 60 just because you want to. You would break this marathon goal down into smaller steps first. You may first start by walking and building up distance, then add in some jogging, then ramp up to running. You have to train to run a marathon. People don't just jump off the couch, right? You need to think of all goals in this way. Not being realistic in what it would take to reach a goal is a top reason for failure.

Another great way to set yourself up for success when setting goals is to believe in yourself. Sounds simple right? Well, it should be but usually we are our own worst critics. You need to take care of yourself, show some self-love, and take care of yourself. Sometimes this can mean setting boundaries, so you have time for yourself. Other times this can just mean not to beat yourself up when you stumble off path towards that goal. We all faulter at times and it is ok, just get yourself back on track. Care about yourself enough to continue on towards the finish line even when there are roadblocks.

Always learn and dream! It nourishes the mind and soul. It is what makes us human! It is what sets us up for success. It can also enhance positivity. Be positive and see how much brighter the world can be. Also be grateful, it breeds more positivity. These things all also fall into the self-love and self-care category.

Think of yourself and your goals as a business. A business doesn't just open its doors and expect million-dollar growth. Well, some might, and those fail.... You need a plan and steps to get there. That business gets to million-dollar growth through steps along the way, each step leading to the bigger goal of that high revenue, right? 

One you decide on the goal and what steps will get you there, you need to also have regular check ins with yourself to determine what is working and what isn't. Sometimes a step toward that goal can seem like a great idea at the time but then later prove to not be feasible. This is just another one of those things trying to sidetrack you. Just re-evaluate, reassess, and move forward. 

What are your goals for the new year? What steps are you breaking those down into to attain them? Share in the comments below...

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The Right Way to Set Goals!

 Ah the old adage of having to start the New Year with a Resolution! Some set goal you feel you must attain and if you are like most that qu...