About Me

Well hello there! Welcome....come on in! You hungry? Want a drink? Sorry about the jumping dog... sure you're not hungry?

I'm a very welcoming gal stuck in NE Ohio! As an Italian, that's what we do... entertain, feed you (way too much), and offer a drink. The English side of me though is very proper wanting to be sure that myself, my home, and all of the above is impeccable! Yet there are also the my family's Southern roots blasting country music saying, "Come on in anyway, sit a spell... At least I still have some Sweet tea here!"

I have always been torn between three different cultures of myself but still somehow live up to all three of them...each in their own way. I have also always been intrigued reading the blogs and viewing the Instagrams of others. It's like a personal glimpse into the private lives of others..... and if you didn't agree you wouldn't be here.... would you?

I am not perfect by any means, I'm just me... I love Chanel, pearls, jeans, sandy beaches, cabins, first class suites, champagne and beer, thrift shopping, high end shopping, bocce, dogs, etc...... So Welcome!  This is my life!

Please follow my blog to get notice of the latest posts!


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